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Bradford District and Craven Maternity Voices Partnership – Voluntary Sector Partners Meeting Minutes 13th February 2019

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Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) – Voluntary Sector Partners Meeting

Wednesday 13th February 2019, 10.00am – 12.00pm at CNet

Present: Liz Firth (Chair), Masiara Hans (Sharing Voices), Yazmin shah (CNet), Aamnah Rahman (Born in Bradford)

Apologies: Melanie Roberts-Saunders (Home-Start Bradford), Julie Newbold (Bradford Breastfeeding Buddies) Dr Lynn Green (R+R), Laila Ahmed (CNet), Alison Brown (Better Start Bradford), Rachael Loftus (Baby Steps Project), Tilly Rathmell (Project 6)


1. Welcome / Introductions / Apologies

  • All were welcomed. Apologies – see above
    To make all VCS members admin, to do more on social media
  • Look into setting up MVP Twitter account


2. Co-Chair

  • Liz recruited as Chair under the NHS
  • Paid £250 for 2 days of work
  • Term is due to end January 2020
  • No additional budget for co-chair
  • Ideally elect new co-chair by March MVP meeting
  • Co-chair to chair March meeting
  • Someone who volunteers i.e. in a baby group, but not maternity services provider
  • Need to be thinking about who can we support and bring into this group
  • Encourage people to apply
  • Planning meeting

Action: YS to send out Co- Chair info.


3. Summary of Main MVP Meeting and any actions arising for the VSP

  • Allocate a section to bring in what’s going well and what isn’t going well
  • An hour on a specific topic and an hour on business
  • Theme groups to bring info back to the MVP connecting everything together


4. Feedback from partners on the following:

  • What’s going well (in your work or in interactions with Maternity Services)?
  • What’s not going well?
  • Any areas/issues where you’d like to get more involved?

Masira shared details of a case she is dealing with and asked what support was available for her client in this situation;
Mrs. K is a 27 year old female from the BD8 area and suffers from depression and postpartum psychosis. She had been detained at Lynfield Mount Hospital under a section two hence will remain on the ward for 28 days.
Mrs. K has a son who is 11 months old and a daughter who is two years old. Upon my visits to the ward, I began a conversation with Mrs. K and enquired whether her family had visited this past week. She stated they had not visited but she misses her children greatly. She then went on to discuss how the children had not visited as they would need to make an appointment via social services. This is far too labour-some and stressful hence Mrs. Ks family will not begin this process and the children are unable to visit.
I queried this with an occupational therapist who informed me that due to the hospital staff not being insured to look after children, social services would always need to be involved and it must always be supervised contact.
I had questioned if this was still the case if the child attended with another family member and was assured it would be.


5. Member News

  • BIB to launch a questionnaire at the end of February in order to get communities involved early on, the message being, act early for happy healthy children.
  • BIB Event on 27th September 2019 (venue to be confirmed)
  • Sharing Voices/Staying Put Training Session on 13th March 2019
  • NHS and BIB websites advertising a number of posts i.e. research, life cycle and admin posts
  • Doulas Project is advertising for a vacancy
  • Better Start Bradford is advertising for Community Engagement Worker
  • Yazmin advised all vacancies advertised in CNet Bulletin News Letter


Aamnah to send link;

Aamnah to send poster;

Masira to send info


6. Engagement action planning

Talked about connections, ideas for example a Positive Birth Stories Café. Liz informed to speak to Martin who runs Bread and Roses, he would definitely be up sessions held at the café. They are quiet on a morning 9am- 11am and 2pm – 4pm. Or after they close for the day at 4pm. They charge £25 per hour. Invite people to come and share positive birth stories. To take this to the main MVP meeting and pick a date for April.

Tenx9 Bradford is a storytelling night, where nine people have up to 10 mins each to tell a real story of their lives based on a theme. Share a story or be a listener for others.
This is held on the last Friday of every month from 7pm at Speakers Corner, 4 Ivegate.
Please see link below

Engagement Planning meeting to be held on 28/02/19

Discussed how we can connect with women who do not attend meetings, ideas were; setting up a stall at BRI one day, attending a baby weigh in group, setting up a WhatsApp groups.

Talked about agreeing

3 key questions, having a bit of a kit (board, post it notes), a theme to get feedback.

Action: Liz to update


7. AOB



8. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 15th May 2019 (10am – 12pm)

Minutes MVP VSPG 13.2.19