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Bradford District and Craven Maternity Voices Partnership – Main Meeting Minutes 26th November 2019

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Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)

Main Meeting

Tuesday 26th November 2019, 10.00am – 12.00pm at CNet

Present: Liz Firth (Co-Chair), Lisa Wright (NHS), Masira Hans (Sharing Voices), Abi Wild (BRI), Jane Dickens (NHS), Carolyn Sadler( Bradford Council), Jo Squires (My Wellbeing College), Emma Fleary (BRI), Gemma Garden (BRI), Rachael Loftus (Action for Children), Alison Brown (Better Start Bradford), Carol Dyson (BTHFT), Sara Hollins (BTHFT), Samina Fayyaz (CCG), Aamanah Rehman (Born in Bradford) Graham Carey-Briggs (NSPCC), Gabriella Martin (NSPCC), Aliya Fazil (Co-Chair), Yazmin Shah (CNet), Laila Ahmed (CNet)

Apologies: Victoria Simmons (CCG) Tilly Rathmell (Project 6), Sonia Fayyaz (Jump), Sarah Munsie (ANHST)

1. Welcome / Introductions / Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


2.Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the last meeting on 25th June 2019, were agreed as a true and correct record.


3. Active Discussion Section

Breastfeeding; Jane Dickens – Strategic Breastfeeding Lead, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Please see presentation and workshop activity notes attached

Perinatal Mental Health; Graham Carey-Briggs –Children’s service Practitioner, Social Worker, NSPCC

Overview of the Pregnancy in Mind service:

The programme is for pregnant women and their partners (if applicable) who are experiencing mild / moderate anxiety or depression. They run an 8 week closed group to support emotional well-being covering 5 key themes;

  • Mindfulness & active relaxation
  • Psychoeducation & coping skills
  • Awareness raising of foetal development
  • Social Support
  • Couple and co-parenting relationship
  • Referrals are accepted from 12-26 week of pregnancy.

Referrals can be made by Midwives or self- referrals.

The person needs to give verbal consent to the service.

Referrals can be made via phone on 01274 381440- There is a duty worker available 9-5 Monday – Friday to take referrals.

Please see leaflets attached.

YS to circulate presentation with the minutes
YS to circulate leaflets with the minutes

4. Updates


Sarah Hollins feedback that BRI’s CQC official feedback was the most positive feedback that they had ever received, regards Home birth and Community of Carer Planning. Rea Halstead acting Infant Feeding Co –coordinator will be on maternity leave for the next year. Unicef unaccredited at the moment this will be picked up on her return to work. Within the past two weeks a Specialist Parents Education Role has now been renamed and the complex care needs post will be for 23 hours and will be taken up by Becky Palehow. Adverts will be going out to maintain the roles of Specialist Midwife for Perinatal Health.
Abi feedback that the Willow Team Birth Centre with a known midwife COC Model to continue. There was a homebirth team event in October at Broadway which was well attended. The Homebirth team delivered 14 babies in October which was a record. An increase in booking as seen a rise from 0.06 % to 2%


Sara Munsie was unable to attend but emailed an update through, please see her below: The bi monthly meetings are well attended
Some of the achievements in first year, listed below:
New ‘friendly’ IOL leaflet created and currently being printed for use
Changes on Labour Ward as response to 15 Steps, such as room information, changes to
displays, wall decorations etc.
Changes to how Bounty operate on the postnatal ward
Development of a new post birth ‘listening’ service
Project underway to develop/improve our website/and maybe an App!
Admin post funded by LMS established and taking the pressure of me
Regular Walk the Patches (at Keighley Healthy Living Young Parents ‘Chill n Chat’ today hence can’t make the meeting!) Future plans;
Continue developing suggestions from Labour Ward 15 Steps prior to commencing the activity in another area.
Hold an AGM with all Stakeholders in attendance
Create aims for the next year
Set up on Social media

Voluntary Sector

The MVP Voluntary Sector Partners meeting took place on 25th October where Rea Halstead – Infant Feeding Coordinator – Specialist Midwife BRI provided feedback on work her team have been working towards: Re- accreditation with Unicef training. Working with BRI ward 30/32 re-admission team to give breast feeding support
An antenatal/ postnatal drop in was set up end of July when Rea came in post.
The infant feeding team also have assigned Champions in various areas of the unit (community, wards, labour ward, MAC, Clinic).

Workshop discussions focused on issues faced by seldom heard Womens groups with feedback being given that some women were not aware
VSP feedback that service users think or are unsure there may be a cost implication in accessing
services. Financial hardship was a key concern concern and a member from City of Sanctuary shared a Creditor Letter template for use with families who are struggling with debt.


5. Grassroots

Samina Fayyaz – Engagement & Experience Officer, NHS Bradford City & District, CCG

Samina gave a quick over view of what grassroots is and where the NHS get their data from as there was concerns about
She highlighted the data they have received so far from MVP is very low, a graph was passed around the members which showed figures from April 2018 to August 2019 reflecting this. She explained that every two or five months a report is produced based on the feedback that they receive. The feedback comes in from a number of sources;

Care Opinion
Social Media health watch
CNet & Hale (engaging People’s Project)
Patient Support Team (Based in CCG’s)

All this information is put on to a system that looks and analysis the data that is received. It uses algorithms, which means it will pick up key words from any particular comments. Samina used a number of comments (these are anonymous, apart from which source it has come via and what month it’s from) as an example to explain these are the kind of things people have spoken about in regards to the Maternity Services.

She went on to talk about identifying themes and trends and highlighted some of the themes that have emerged over the April 2018 –August 2019 period. This is broken down into sentiment; positive and negative (look at both acute trust and primary care). This data is then further broken down, so one comment can fall into a number of different categories that are listed. So someone could mention staff and waiting times in the same comment (these two areas have been identified as people talking about the most)

Samina explained she was aware that the question of where the information goes, has been raised several times, she explained in the first instance it goes to the JQC (part of the CCG’s). They look at the positives and negatives, this is then filtered down to the Patient Heads of the Trusts and CCG’s. She explained as there is a vast range of different service provisions e.g. diabetes, stroke, heart disease Commissioning heads and Leads then focus on good practise and closing the triangular process.

Samina asked for a big push on the information that is fed into grassroots as it is very low. She said they were in the process of putting more info on the website.

The Group discussed more creative ways about getting feedback from mothers, i.e. Facebook page, more feedback from the wards.

YS to circulate Grassroots Summary Report with the minutes.


6. Review of the year

Liz explained her term of office will be finishing by the end of January and she will be stepping down as Co-Chair, this was a funded post and she was recruited by the CCG’s four years ago. It is currently being looked into (at a strategic level) if this will continue to remain a funded post. Liz explained the movement nationally is MVP’s have remunerated chairs in order the work is carried out effectively.

An election was carried out for a Co-Chair and Aliya was elected. We are looking into if it is possible for Aliya to step up as Chair if she may want to do so. Not quite sure as to what will happen with the post just yet, but we are in safe hands for the moment.

There is a review of the voluntary sector support at the end of March, but already questions have been raised whether this process will have finished. So we will carry on business as usual and meetings will be set for next year.

Liz said she would be stepping back but will be around if support is required. Liz thanked everyone for supporting her and the project through the last few years.Liz gave a review of the year

Please see report attached

Liz asked everyone to spend 5 minutes looking at the structure and to high light anything that is an issue or not working currently.

Please see attached activity notes

Action: YS to circulate report with the minutes.


7. Member News

LMS get some funding to support MVP and service users and it was decided at the regional MVP meeting that certain groups whose chairs were doing this completely as volunteers, without support of child care or any other support, should receive this funding instead of it being split equally across those arears that are paid.

The Birthing stories café event was a success (thank you to everyone who supported this). MVP would like to do more of these creative events. If anyone has any ideas/themes, please share and we will try to make this happen and support this.

We are still supporting the Maternity Children Young People Board, The Mental Health sub group (task & finish Group) that Masira attends on our behalf and also the LMS regional groups, there is a lot of places we are feeding into and would like for that to continue.

BIB to share information on a new piece of research regarding weight gain in pregnancy.

Lisa Wright from the CCG informed that from the 1st April 2020, new equality objectives will be agreed at the CCG. Lisa would like to share those named objectives with the partnership and keep members informed and involved in future discussions.


8. Date of the next MVP main meeting:

Tuesday 17th March 2020, 10am – 12.00 at CNet large meeting room.

To download a PDF of the minutes please click here:

Minutes MVP Main Meet 26.11.19