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Bradford and District and Craven Maternity Voices Partnership – Voluntary Sector Partners Meeting Agenda 13th February 2019

CNet Empowering Communities Logo.            Bradford and Craven Maternity Voices Partnership Logo             NHS Logo

Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)

Voluntary Sector Partners Meeting

Wednesday 13th February 2019, 10.00am – 12.00pm, at CNet


1. Welcomes / Introductions /Apologies

2. Co-Chair

3. Summary of Main MVP Meeting and any actions arising for the VSP

4. Feedback from partners on the following:

  • What’s going well (in your work or in your interactions with maternity services)?
  • What’s not going well?
  • Any areas/ issues where you’d like to get more involved?

5. Member News

6. Engagement action planning

7. Any other business

8. Date of the next meeting

Thank you

Click this link to download a Pdf of this agenda

Agenda MVP VSPG 13.02.19