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Get involved

If you would like to be involved in the North Kirklees Maternity Voices Partnership can do so in one of three ways:-

Active Member

Share experiences, core member of the MVP and attend regular meetings, receive agenda and minutes of meetings, take part in working groups, take part in surveys, be an advocate and promote the MVP in order for others to share their experiences and views be heard.


Share experiences, receive agenda and minutes of meetings, do not attend meetings, take part in working groups, take part in surveys, be an advocate and promote the MVP in order for others to share their experiences and views be heard.

Virtual Member

Share experiences, receive minutes of meetings, take part in surveys, be an advocate and promote the MVP in order for others to share their experiences and views be heard.
If would like to become a member of the North Kirklees MVP, please register your interest by emailing [email protected]