Despite all the anxiety, stress and fear, several of you have been in touch to share you amazing, positive birth stories during this difficult time. We would like to congratulate all new mums and dads across the city and would like to thank all the hard-working professionals who have helped look after everyone during these trying times.
I just want to reassure any pregnant women during this difficult time that everything will be fine and YOU CAN DO IT! Please don’t worry or panic about having your baby, this is the best time in the world for you, don’t let it be tainted by fear.
I was so scared having to be induced on my own, sat in a room on my own all day due to not having
anyone around me because of the virus. As soon as I was moved to the delivery suite, my partner was allowed with me. In delivery, it got a little rough, our heart-rates dropped. Within 2-3 minutes of all this happening, all the emergency buzzers were pressed and the room was full of doctors. Next think I know they are running down the corridors with my bed to theatre. They inject my spine with morphine and got my baby girl out healthy and safe. During this time I started to drift in and out of consciousness-I was going to pass out. I had everyone talking to me and making me focus on my baby girl. I held her finger and it kept me awake. The next thing I know, I’m all stitched up, baby is perfect and we are crying with happiness. The doctors and staff we super happy with how things turned out. It took 19 minutes from the time they pressed the emergency buzzers to get us down to theatre, get baby out and stitch me up. 19 minutes and these amazing people saved mine and baby’s life!
We were moved to recovery and were there a couple of hours. My partner was allowed to stay until I had to be moved onto the ward.
Once I was on the ward I had midwives checking on us the whole time we were there, helping me with baby, helping me with anything I needed, even just coming to chat and cuddle baby. I was so scared and anxious being on my own but I was absolutely fine in my little bubble with my baby girl. Once everything was okay and they were happy with out progress we were allowed to come home.
I’ve had such a traumatic experience and I’m the worlds worst worrier – I just expect the worst and I managed to get through this with flying colours – I’m so proud of myself.
Please try not to be anxious or worry about anything – you really have no reason to be, you are in the best place with the best people looking after you and your baby. It’s a scary time and it isn’t very nice having to be on your own but unfortunately needs must. Take everything step by step with a positive mindset and everything will be OK. The midwives are doing everything they can to get you and your baby home ASAP.
Genuinely cannot thank the staff and midwives enough at St James’ Hospital, at the worst time ever they did all of that and saved us both. I am genuinely so so grateful for them, acting so fast, and the aftercare was amazing!
To other mums-to-be out there- You can do this!
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl,
Born at St James’ Hospital on 3rd April 2020, at 23:53, weighing 6lbs 1oz.
I gave birth on the 3oth March, 2020 at Leeds General Infirmary. I gave birth alone due to family isolation, so my husband had to stay at home with my older child. I went to be induced but my labour started naturally on the maternity assessment ward. I was in a lot of pain and unfriendly with the staff. A lovely midwife called Danielle was looking after me. She was really supportive and engaging with me even though I was only giving her one word answers. She kept chasing up delivery suite to see when I could do down and making sure I was given pain relief at the right times When I eventually got onto delivery suite, I had a lovely midwife called Naomi and a student called Jess. O was all set for a birth that included as much pain relief as possible, however, it was too late as I was already fully dilated when I arrived on the ward. My midwife Naomi was absolutely amazing, she guided me through the entire process and kept me strong and believing in myself. She explained everything that was happening to my husband who was on video call, so it felt like her was in the room and there with us. I was really scared about not having the pain relief I wanted but Naomi was so reassuring. She was brilliant with her student, taking time to explain things and encouraging her to get actively involved in birthing my baby. She was extremely professional and I felt incredibly safe, even without the support of a birthing partner. I could not have done it without the fantastic staff and cant thank them enough for looking after me and my baby and bringing my son safely into the world. They are a credit to Leeds Teaching Hospital and the NHS and I feel incredibly privileged that we have such an amazing maternity team in the city.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy,
Born March 30th, 2020 at 4:50pm at Leeds General Infirmary, weighing 8lbs, 3oz.
I had a sweep on midday on the Friday. I was 41 +2 and wasnt optimistic it would work but my midwife considered it “favourable”. I had perod like cramps throughout Friday and into the evening. By midnight I needed a hot water bottle to keep comfortable. I woke at about 12:30am with what were, I guess, my first real surges. I managed to rest for about an hour when I got up and used the positive birthing app to time and practice breathing through them. I had 3 in 10 minutes. I called the homebirth team at 2:30am to say I thought I was in labour but I felt OK and didnt think that there was any need to rush. I was advised to continue as I was for an hour and then call back – which I did. My midwives arrives at 4:30am. I was in the bath at this stage whilst my partner set up th pool. I initially delined an exam but concerns on staffing led to the proposed exam to evaluate it I was safe to stay at home or whether it would be best to transfer to hospital. I was 4-5cm and so it was agreed to continue at home for a while. My stubbornness kicked in upon the suggestion of having to go in to hospital and so, somehow, I managed to kick the labour up a gear and get him out. Out son was born at home at 7:23am. He was a beauty! My other son who is 4 was able to be present for the birth as he woke up at 7am and came to show off his homebirthing knoelwdge to the midwives. He cheered me on and joined in with the increasing volume whilst I was pushing to remind me to breathe. He helped to make me laugh a little through the pain. Thank you to Emily and Catherine from the home-birth team – you were fantastic! I didnt get the names of the ladies who arrived at the handover to do babies first checks etc. I was in my own little world by then, but they were very professional, respectful and kind. I was so grateful to get the birth I dreamed of in a time when so many ladies are so worried about their birth plans going out the window.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy.
Born at home, March 28th, 2020 at 7:23am, weighing 9lbs 10oz.