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You said, we did

Accessibility to Information:

Over this past year women and families have told us that accessibility to information (from conception to baby’s first birthday) could be improved:

  • Using recent service user feedback, we are looking at how information can be made more accessible, and we’ll help ensure that women and families aren’t being given conflicting information. An initial workshop was held in March this year, and we’ll soon form a number of working groups to work on different initiatives. It is hoped that we’ll be able to support our local maternity services to update their website pages
  • We have co-produced the ‘My Journey through Maternity Care’ booklet with the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Local Maternity System and other MVPs in the region. We, as an MVP, fed through your views and ideas. Thank you for sharing them with us.  Link to booklet
  • We are supporting NHS England and K2 with latest developments to the Maternity Online Notes system here in Calderdale and Huddersfield. We as an MVP have fed through your views and ideas and will continue to do so as things progress.


Bounty Photographic Process:

Over the past couple of years, we have shared your views and ideas concerning the presence of Bounty within local hospitals in the Calderdale and Huddersfield Trust. Recommendations have been made by the MVP, and we will work with the Trust over this coming year to see whether the process in the hospitals can be further improved. Please do contact us if you have any recent experience that you’d like to share with us.