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Area’s of Focus

MVP Areas of Focus for 2020/2021

Please find below a number of things that the MVP for Calderdale and Huddersfield will be getting involved with over the next 12-18 months. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to get involved! You can do this by emailing us on: [email protected]

1. Service User Feedback: Continue to collect feedback from women and families. Look specifically to engage with Dads/Partners and women and families from ethnic minority groups

2. Perinatal Mental Health: Share with women and families services that are currently available, and how they can access them. Identify other services that are needed, and help ensure that Dads and Partners aren’t forgotten about.

3. Baby Loss: Women who have experienced loss of a baby are telling us we’re not to forget them. We will look at ways in which we can engage with women and families so that their voices are heard, and their ideas acted on. As an MVP we’ll also support the Each Baby Counts initiative and the Bereavement Pathway

4. Acting on Service User Feedback: Continue to meet and share service user feedback with Maternity Services to identify and track actions. Will also do something similar with Health Visiting. Outputs from these meetings will be shared with the MVP to promote further discussion

5. Work with the LMS (Local Maternity System): Continue to feed into LMS discussions

6. Stopping Smoking: Work with and support the work that Maternity Services are doing

7. Accessibility of Information: Continue to ensure that information is readily accessible: Maternity Services website, Use of Online Notes (K2), Health Visiting website, information in clinics/maternity settings.

8. Development of Leaflets: Provide comment on any leaflets that are developed/updated by service providers. Identify any leaflets that are missing.

9. Walking the Patch / 15 Steps: Identify frequency, and undertake these initiatives (Please note that this is on hold due to Covid-19)

10. Support CHFT Initiatives: Provide input as and when required

11. Kirklees Maternity Hubs: Provide support and feed into discussions as and when appropriate