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Get involved

There are a number of ways in which you, your partner and your wider family can get involved with our MVP activities.

  • Attend one of our Main MVP Meetings – we hold three per year with attendance from both maternity teams from Airedale General Hospital and Bradford Royal Infirmary.
  • Attend one of our All Things Maternity Platform Sessions -we hold three per year providing a safe space for parents and voluntary community sector organisation to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The issues and actions arising from these sessions are fedback to the main meetings.
  • Attend or even help us organise one of our Events e.g. Birth Story Cafes and Better Births Community Engagement Events – providing individuals with an opportunity to meet with maternity services and care providers, voluntary community sector services, share their views around themes such as digital inclusion, birthing experiences, parent education classes, breastfeeding, Covid vaccine uptake and many other themes.
  • Taking part and share your views and experiences via surveys and consultations which will help shape and improve maternity services across Bradford and Craven. All findings are fedback into our Main Meeting and shared with maternity care providers.
  • Be a member of one of our teams delivering 15 Steps Maternity Reviews at both Airedale General Hospital and Bradford Royal Infirmary (travel and childcare costs are covered for individuals).
  • Fancy filming one of our Black and Ethnic Minority Maternity Film Clips, sharing important maternity messages with our communities/ in your community and working jointly with both our maternity teams? All you need is a mobile phone! We have 24 different languages spoken across Bradford & Craven and our aim is to have a clips in each and every one.
  • Share your individual maternity stories and experiences, which we will feedback confidentially to maternity services.

We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to get more involved in our work. Please contact us via our email [email protected] or telephone Laila on 01274 305045.