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Have your say in Leeds

Share your experience of using maternity services in Leeds

We are always looking at ways to improve maternity services in Leeds. Below are just some of the ways you can feedback to us about your experiences or the experiences of someone you know who has used maternity services.

In order to obtain as much feedback at possible we aim to use a multitude of different methods, including questionnaires, surveys, formal consultations and engagement events.

Take a look below for some of our most recent feedback, or to have your say.

My Pregnancy During COVID-19

We recently carried out a survey on experiences of maternity services in Leeds during the coronavirus pandemic. Over 200 people responded to this survey.

Find out what you told us here

Maternity and Neonatal Services in Leeds: Tell us what you think

A recent consultation took place  in Leedsto find out people’s views about plans to centralise maternity and neonatal services at LGI and the proposals for hospital antenatal appointments.

Find out more about this consultation here

Maternity services in Leeds

We are always wanting feedback about maternity services in Leeds and would love to hear about your experiences of using services in the city. Your feedback helps us to make improvements where needed so that all families can have the best start possible.

If you would like to share with us your experiences, please take the time to fill in this short survey. We really appreciate your feedback.

Take the survey


We are very sorry for your loss, and we appreciate that this is an extremely difficult time for you.

This questionnaire is for parents who have experienced the loss of their baby/babies during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Please complete as much or as little of the form that you are able to. Some questions may not be relevant to your experience. Your feedback will help us to improve bereavement services in maternity across Leeds.

Take the survey