Harrogate Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is lead by the Chair (Jen) and Social and Engagement Lead (Ruth). We work with a friendly group of volunteers and professionals. Together we gather information from maternity service users in our area to shape and develop local maternity services. We do this because your voice matters and we want to hear about your experiences to celebrate and build on everything positive whilst acknowledging and working on areas that could be improved.

The MVP committee is made up of a small group of service users, user representatives* and healthcare professionals. Committee meetings are held regularly, where feedback from service users is reviewed.
Updates on changes that have been implemented from previous feedback received is recorded for our annual review.
The annual review is produced each year and delivered to service users at the annual ‘Your Voice Matters’ meet up which is an open event.
* User representatives: local people who are passionate about volunteering time to help, support and shape local maternity services.